How to keep employees engaged?


As a company owner or manager, what can we do to improve employee engagement and productivity?

In the current climate, many businesses are focusing on remote working and work as we knew it is a distant past. The world is changing bringing new challenges and exciting opportunities.

But how do we keep our teams going and what can we do to help them stay focused? Here are a few ways to help with our employee’s engagement and productivity.

  • Keep in touch with our employees (but not too often)

Regular meetings to catch up on work and see how everybody is are fine. Don’t overdo it though with daily morning and afternoon meetings. We don’t need to start micromanaging or it could have the opposite effect. The right employees know what they have to do anyway.

  • Make our employees feel valued

Giving some recognition goes a long way. A big “thank you” for helping with an issue, a “well done”, a “can you help me with…” or “what do you think about…” when you need help or ideas. These have a huge impact on the way the teams look at the company and they will respect us for it. It’s not all about the money, their well-being is more important.

  • Don’t overload them with work (but make sure they have something to do)

Keep an eye on the workload. Too much work will end in something not being done properly or done in a rush. At the same time, no work will make employees feel demotivated and unengaged. If there isn’t much work at the moment, get employees to help with some research or administrative tasks. See what fits with your business but keep everybody busy doing something meaningful. Meaningful here being the keyword.

  • Help and support them (and tell them it’s okay to ask for help)

Employees should feel supported in everything they do so we must make sure we help them if they need help. If you can’t yourself then find someone who can. Make sure they know they can always ask for help or advice and that you will do something about it.

  • Invest in training and development

Offer professional or personal development opportunities and you will improve your employee retention. You don’t need to train everybody at the same time. Scatter the training and plan it at an individual or team level.


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Carole Jacquet


The Language Guru